
SoundTouch device MusicServiceAccount configuration object.

This class contains the attributes and sub-items that represent the Audio DSP Controls configuration of the device.

MusicServiceAccount( source: str = None, displayName: str = None, userAccount: str = None, password: str = None, root: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element = None)

Initializes a new instance of the class.

  • source (str): Account source value (e.g. "STORED_MUSIC", "SPOTIFY", "AMAZON", etc).
  • displayName (str): Account display name that appears in UI's.
  • userAccount (str): User account value used to authenticate to the service.
  • password (str): Password value used to authenticate to the service.
  • root (Element): xmltree Element item to load arguments from.
    If specified, then other passed arguments are ignored.
  • SoundTouchError: videoSyncAudioDelay argument was not of type int.
Source: str

Account source value (e.g. "STORED_MUSIC", "SPOTIFY", etc).

DisplayName: str

Account display name that appears in UI's.

UserAccount: str

User account value used to authenticate to the service.

Password: str

Password value used to authenticate to the service.

def ToElement(self, isRequestBody: bool = False) -> xml.etree.ElementTree.Element:

Returns an xmltree Element node representation of the class.

  • isRequestBody (bool): True if the element should only return attributes needed for a POST request body; otherwise, False to return all attributes.
def ToString(self) -> str:

Returns a displayable string representation of the class.