
class SoundTouchFirmwareProduct:

A class storing the product id and the linked URL where the firmware can be downloaded.

SoundTouchFirmwareProduct(productId: int = 0, indexUrl: str = None, deviceClass: str = None)
  • productId (int): The product id given by Bose.
  • indexUrl (str): Specifies where the index.xml file is located.
    Use the XML-Document stored at this link as the parameter in LoadIndex method.
  • deviceClass (str): Some products have a special device class added to their entry. (Usage unknown)
DeviceClass: str

Some products have a special device class added to their entry (usage unknown).

HasDeviceClass: bool

Returns whether this product stores a device class (True) or not (False).

IndexUrl: str

Specifies where the index.xml file is located.

Use the XML-Document stored at this link as the parameter in LoadIndex method.

ProductId: int

The product id given by Bose.

def LoadFromXmlElement( element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) -> SoundTouchFirmwareProduct:

Creates a new SoundTouchFirmwareProduct instance from an xml element that contains firmware product details.

  • element (xmltree.Element): The root element

A SoundTouchFirmwareProduct object that contains the parsed firmware product details.

  • SoundTouchError: If the element argument is null.
def LoadLookupXml(root: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) -> list:

Loads a XML-Element into a list of SoundTouchFirmwareProduct objects.

This method can be called after fetching the lookup.xml file.

  • root (xmltree.Element): The xml root-element for the lookup file.

A list of parsed products.

def ToString(self) -> str:

Returns a displayable string representation of the class.